R/F Taskforce 20221025
Upcoming changes/updates: What can I expect in Staging?
Roadside - Model 2 of R/F approach, deployment of 2.2 API, 2023 forecast preview
Fleet - Same as above
Place-Based - no change from R/F currently in Staging
Timelines: When can I expect these changes?
The preliminary 2023 forecast is expected to be pushed to Staging on Thursday, 11/3, and is likely to change at least once more before release into production. This preliminary forecast does not include updates to pedestrian counts due to incomplete data received from Terralytics, which they are currently patching and expect to provide in mid-November.
This preliminary forecast contains the new R/F approach and uses API 2.2
Please note that we are currently planning for transit data provided in Staging for 2021r1 to be superseded by the 2023 forecast. Access to the 2021r1 R/F data (using the outdated R/F approach, available today in Staging) will no longer be available. Please pull any needed comparison numbers from Staging ahead of 11/3.
R/F Taskforce Update
We have received the input and test packages needed to fulfill the scope of this taskforce. Test packages have been put into an automated process to test future versions of the model. Please be on the lookout for an Insights Committee meeting that will supersede the scheduled R/F Taskforce meeting for 11/8.
Additional Items
Brian will work with a subset of this group to get final approval on these documents. These will then go to our graphics team for final designs.