Transit & Task Force summary
The entire list of systems and the audit process was shared with all operators.
The systems were broken out into Tiers based on construction count.
Initial Tier 1 Impressions were shared.
The methodology for Transit Media was written.
Writing 1-pager for fleet impressions changes.
We met with all operators to walk through data output column by column.
GISDev site updated with fleet impressions (using home location data to provide in/out of market impressions, dma/cbsa/counties, 0/5/18/21)
Tier 2 processing improvements (updated data management process for inventory and GTFS ingestion)
Tier 2 Audit processing
QA (routed trips, layout SOV)
Formation of the Transit and Fleet Task Force
Testing out UX Workflows
Tier 2 uploaded into Staging
Workspace Module now supports Market Plan for fleet inventory. Testing and review of the application for system wide inventory.
Tier 3 Audits
Fleet Impressions Placement Types documented
Market Plan by Place and Placement Type available via API. Tested and reviewed for availability into Insights Suite UI.
GO 2022 Conference
Inventory Representation (Operator/Division name)
Tier 3 systems uploaded into Staging
Market Plan testing with more complicated examples of place, placement type, and geography
Walk through of Station Interior Placement Type methodology
Provided written guidance on using preliminary transit impressions
Testing Station Interior in Market Plan
Division Name filter created, allowing for all associated transit systems associated with operator
Documenting Station Platform vs. Concourse inventory measurement