R/F Taskforce Meeting 20220816
R/F Documentation Update
“What Has Changed and Why It Matters” - discussion
Visualization of Coverage and Duplication concepts
Go through Excel workbook and discuss
Is this kind of visual clear/helpful?
Other helpful ways to visualize info
R/F Model Updates
we trained a model (v2) and have the necessary data loaded in SnowFlake.
we provided API team with Java and Javascript implementation of the v2 function
we are working on adding ceilings into our reach curve extrapolation for longer time periods
once in API environment, we will analyze the accuracy of the model (locally in Python it was around +/- 5%)
the plan is to have new model available in staging for committee testing by the end of August
Steps for Next Meeting
Please add feedback/comments to the working draft of this document: Reach & Frequency: What Has Changed and Why it Matters
Geopath to continue work on documentation
Coverage/duplication example in a more real-life scenario (map overlay)