R/F Taskforce Meeting 20220323
R/F Taskforce Meeting 20220323
Update on Geopath one-pager/summary version of R/F methodology document
Go over/discuss summaries of https://geopath.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DPP/pages/2001240077
How would you explain it to someone on your team?
Steps for Next Meeting
Please put your summary (in your own words) in the comment section at the bottom of the Reach & Frequency One-Pager: Package-Level Metrics document or comment in line with the copy that is there. @Steven Frey (Unlicensed) @Glynnis Reilly @Enza Chiodi (Unlicensed)
What’s the inevitable next question?
sales people
agency planners
what does that mean for everything I just did?
how do I leverage this new precision and accuracy to better plan/buy/sell?
how does this help support the value proposition of OOH?
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