Transit & Fleet Task Force meeting 220628

Transit & Fleet Task Force meeting 220628

Action Items Review


  1. Review transit systems for approval from staging into production.  Review the TRPs and impressions for individual transit systems, approve measures (Task Force)

  2. Test Market Plan and post any feedback or useful examples of output (Task Force)

  3. Station Interior impression change example - Placement Type (Geopath)

  4. Insights Suite updates and bug fixes (Geopath)

    1. Add Total Plan Spots to the Market Plan summary

    2. Updates around Operators/Division name, including filtering and revised headers

  5. Update Guidance for Preliminary Impressions document. References to staging and POPFACTS audiences edited (Geopath)




Station Interior - Placement Type 

We walked through one fundamental enhancement between the legacy and current methodology, the impact of placement type. The BART ridership and OTS data was displayed to represent the legacy methodology.  There are entries, transfers and exits counts which are summed into the concourse or platform OTS counts.  The concourse and platform placements were treated more like an environment rather than a section of the station; the number of platforms and concourses was not factored in. If we look at 19th St. Oakland Station, the platform OTS is larger than the concourse OTS due to the transfers.  The 2-sheets weight averaged by placement type for an overall 2-sheet OTS number.

A major enhancement in the methodology is applying a placement exposure.  For each placement type, a variety of sizing metrics (count of placement type, count of floors) are used to determine a “discounting factor” called placement exposure. The placement exposure variable in essence distributes the ridership across platforms throughout the station. A percentage of the audience is still considered to cross multiple platforms or able to view more than one platform. 

The resulting Geopath Preliminary CTA station impressions were posted within a table.  As we can see the concourse 2-sheet impressions count is larger than the corresponding platform 2-sheet. In situations where there are multiple platforms with a single concourse, we would expect the impressions score to be larger in the concourse. 

Is there any MAID data to accompany these impressions data?

The location data we have now is sufficient, but we would be able to connect with Transit Wireless for additional datasets.  We would also be able to take a look into the turnstile counts to see how they are distributed, at least by line in comparison to a station visits count. 

Will an input sheet for rail interior become available?

We’ll have a media data sheet for fleet interior once we have an airflow of procedure. This would apply to both rail and bus interior.


Insights Suite updates and bug fixes

Our development team is adding in the total spots data point in the summary line item. Updates on the Own and Manage rep types are also prioritized for Staging. 


Guidance for Preliminary Impressions

The document was updated with a link to a Geopath page on POPFACTS.  The document is available for anyone requiring more information on the preliminary impression data. 


Action Items

  1. Review transit systems for approval from staging into production.  Review the TRPs and impressions for individual transit systems, approve measures (Task Force)

  2. Test Market Plan for Station Interior inventory and post any feedback or useful examples of output. (Geopath and Task Force)

  3. Research any available station ridership data breaking out platforms or lines in comparison to the concourse (Geopath)


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