Transit & Fleet Task Force meeting 220607
Action Items Review
Review transit systems for approval from staging into production. Review the TRPs and impressions for individual transit systems, approve measures (Task Force)
Tier 3 systems uploaded into Staging
Test Market Plan with Place and Placement type, share any feedback in Workspace - Market Plan (Geopath & Task Force)
System wide
Multiple garages from different systems
Station Interior
Review ways to ensure Insights Suite user is aware that ratings for garage level inventory does not guarantee availability (Geopath)
Populate examples for Own, Manage, and Account across roadside, fleet, and place based (Geopath)
Operators/Division Name proposed columns
Update Market Plan max frames number to represent specific garage (Geopath)
Identified as front-end issue
Update to Staging
Tier 3 systems have been uploaded into Staging. Operators would be able to use the preliminary impressions and TRP data from Staging. For roadside inventory, when Geopath had previously published inventory metrics on a quarterly basis, operators also used preliminary data for one to two months. A member would be able to approve the data available in Staging and begin to use the measures.
Transit R/F
The reach and frequency numbers being developed are consistent for the Inventory Plan. In the Market Plan environment, however, Geopath still requires additional testing. With respect to timing, operators would be able to use those preliminary data while R/F is being put together. When R/F is finalized, the complete version of transit data will be uploaded into the Production version of IS.
Market Plan examples
We demonstrated capabilities of the Market Plan using two systems from upstate New York. We started from a simple system-wide query and then added in progressively more detail. The screenshots are posted along with the selected data inputs.
Two Different Systems with single Media Type
Two Garages from Different Systems
Two Garages from Different Systems with Different Media Types
Two Garages from Different Systems, with Different Media Types, and Selected Placement Types
Two Different Systems with single Media type run against grouped Market
Two Garages from Different Systems with Different Media Names run against grouped Market
Targeted Data
Ratings for garage level inventory do not represent availability. The concept of blocking access to garage level inventory was brought up. Rather, buyers will be able to understand that sellers might not cherry pick inventory for a particular garage. To help with this process, Geopath will put together detail and a visualization workflow.
Geopath will be able to put together a presentation level workflow and demonstrate a system wide approach as the default.
Operator Name
There will be an additional column to include both the Own and Manage representation type. The Own includes the transit authority acting as the parent account along with the transit system while the Manage displays the vendor and the transit system. A fleet example is posted we will be able to add additional examples for feedback.
Action Items
Review transit systems for approval from staging into production. Review the TRPs and impressions for individual transit systems, approve measures (Task Force)
Test Market Plan and post any feedback. Suggestions included multiple places within a system and showing additional demographics. (Task Force & Geopath)
Build a visualization to a default workflow (Geopath)
Add additional examples for the Own and Manage representation types, provide feedback (Geopath & Task Force)
Add additional scenario/ use case examples in Confluence for test group review and collaboration (Geopath & Task Force)
Draft communication on guidance using preliminary impressions for operator proposals – board approval required (Geopath)
Provide this task force with documentation on the proposal Market Plan implementation being drafted by the R/F task force (Geopath)