Transit & Fleet Task Force meeting 220329

Transit & Fleet Task Force meeting 220329


New Items

  1. Introduce new Task Force member, Firefly


Action Items Review

  1. @Bella Nguyen (Unlicensed) from on our discussion last week, these are some examples of the changes to the impressions from the TAB fleet methodology to the current Geopath fleet methodology (Geopath)

    1. Wrap Placement type example

  2. Who in the Transit Task Force has had the chance to test workflows in Staging? Please provide feedback in the User Workflows. We want everyone to partake in testing workflows. (Task Force)

  3. This is a test sample of packages that include:

    1. TRP levels of 25, 50, 100

    2. Reach and Frequency

    3. Impressions 0+

  4. Transit Task Force please use the sample packages and create your own packages using your inventory to approve the measures you see in Staging (Task Force)

    1. Use this page to list approved systems that are ready for production

  5. Provide feedback on Reporting Standard Packages of Transit Inventory (Task Force)

  6. We are revisiting the “Operators” and “Division Name” filters in staging, note that this is ongoing (Geopath)

  7. Station Interior update

    1. Updates to the multiple representations this includes both the media operator and transit agency

      1. updates will be emailed in the next day or two along with impressions

      2. We will work to get this into staging, TBD

    2. If there are inventory updates to existing inventory please let us know




Fleet Impression Changes example

We walked through the changes of measurement for the circulation and impressions for a full wrap. This was the right direction of addressing the changes and being able to explain differences. 

For driver side and passenger side, what is being counted in the circulation?  Driver side circulation includes reverse vehicular traffic.

The difference between driver side and passenger side inventory impressions always existed, though was reported as a weight averaged number.    


Creating Packages

The sample packages created by Geopath used TRPs for driver side kings evenly distributed across garages.  If any packages are created, task force members are encouraged to share any best practices of building those packages based on TRPs, reach, inventory attributes, etc. 

How can we create a package that is representative of both driver side and passenger side inventory? We would be able to include the spot IDs of both driver side and passenger side and specify the frame count of each.     


Inventory Plan R/F

The Inventory Plan now runs campaign reach and frequency for fleet packages.  The number of frames and period length can be adjusted as necessary.   The example showed three TRP levels of packages as well as a package with all frames selected.   

What is the difference between Target In-Market Reach and Plan Reach?  The Target In-Market Reach is the reach for an individual ad while the Plan reach accounts for all the selected inventory. 


Systems in Staging

The Staging site will be updated on 3/30 with 74 systems.  The Systems in Staging Confluence page shows all the systems available while the Systems under Audit page shows those underway. 

Operators may approve of systems into production with initials and date next to each system. 

What is the next release cutoff deadline and associated Insights Suite release date?  The Geopath release schedule will be provided.    


Operators and Division Name

We are revisiting this with our Marketing team for UX perspective.  It was suggested to include a transit authority name, hyphenated to show a relationship with a subaccount.  E.g. MTA-Metro North. 


Station Interior Update

Updated representation data will be sent out with impression data which has not seen any fluctuations since the previous share. 


Action Items

Provide additional Fleet Impressions Change example for placement type (Geopath)

Create fleet packages and share any best practices (Task Force)

Test packages in Inventory Plan https://gisdev.geopath.io, run campaign R/F (Task Force)

Approve any reviewed fleet exterior transit systems in staging into production (Task Force)

Post the production cutoff and release schedule (Geopath)

Share station interior data with updated representation accounts (Geopath)


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