Geopath OOH Inventory Metadata Overview

Geopath OOH Inventory Metadata Overview


The purpose of this document is to inform both Geopath members and OOH-focused technologists about Geopath’s OOH inventory data model and its application so that anyone who is contributing their OOH inventory data, querying Geopath’s consolidated OOH inventory data, or interpreting reports gathered from Geopath’s consolidated database can do so with confidence that the data is of the highest possible quality.

The purpose of this document is threefold:

  1. It is an introduction to Geopath Out of Home (OOH) advertising inventory concepts and terminology so that the reader can understand and rationalize the OOH inventory data Geopath collects, measures, and summaries.

  2. An introduction to the use of rigorous terminology that is contained in Geopath’s data business glossary, which forms a basis for software engineers and data analysts to query and summarize data Geopath provides, and for advertisers and other businesspeople to accurately interpret reports and summaries.

  3. Lastly, this document will demonstrate how Geopath’s Inventory model is applied in practice in several important scenarios that could lead to confusion or misinterpretation if the reader were unaware of nuances introduced by real-world data availability constraints.

Note that this document is not intended to be the definitive, up-to-date source for interpreting Geopath inventory data. For a complete and definitive list of Geopath terminology and data element definitions, please see the Geopath Inventory Business Glossary. For complete API documentation, please see the Geopath Insights API Documentation.

Finally, it is out-of-scope for this document to indicate how inventory data is used in measurement calculations (for more information on that topic, please refer to the Geopath OOH Measurement Methodology pages instead). Where it is necessary to understand what an inventory attribute represents, a high-level overview of how the attribute is used in measurement will be presented.

Throughout this document, when a specific term is used that is part of Geopath’s business glossary and a specific rigorous definition exists, we will boldface the first instance of the usage and capitalize the usage throughout the rest of the document. This document will reference many terms Geopath rigorously defines and will use that terminology consistently throughout. At times this practice can make the document seem a bit stilted, but the goal is to introduce the reader to a rigorous understanding and interpretation of the data Geopath gathers and publishes, which can’t be accomplished without defining terms completely and formally.


Throughout this document we will refer to “inventory,” “advertising inventory,” and “media,” etc. These terms are not rigorously defined by this document. They all are synonyms that refer to what people not part of the OOH advertising industry might refer to as “signs” or “advertisements.” These signs could be roadside billboards, digital displays on gas pumps, banners hanging at malls, signs on the side of city transit buses, etc.

Currently (as of July 2023), Geopath publishes data for Roadside, Place-Based, and Fleet Exterior-Scheduled media Classification Types. Geopath divides OOH inventory into different Classification Types based on fundamental differences in the relationship of the audience to the media. These media Classification Types are defined in detail below.

Another key consideration for OOH inventory data modeling is the media's structure. Geopath breaks down an advertising inventory unit into the following four distinct parts: a Frame, a Layout, a Face, and a Spot. All inventory units have all four of these parts, regardless of media Classification Type. These four components will be defined in detail in the OOH inventory data model section of this document.

Before describing the media data hierarchy, this document will first describe Locations, Places, and Routes associated with how audiences consume OOH media in greater detail. After the reader has a foundation for media classifications and the media model structure, we will highlight specific situations where data availability affects how the model is applied to OOH inventory in our real-world implementation.

OOH Inventory Classification Types

OOH Media with similar properties (e.g., roadside billboards or signs attached to city buses) are grouped together by Classification Type. Classification Type can have one of the following values:

  • Roadside is a Classification Type that includes stationary outdoor advertising inventory that the audience travels past on a trip to a destination. Roadside audiences are people within moving vehicles on roadways or persons traveling on pedestrian walkways. An example of this Classification Type would be a billboard on the side of a road.

  • Place-Based is a Classification Type that includes media at or within an indoor or outdoor venue that have an associated Dwell Time. Typically, Place-Based media audiences are pedestrians. Examples of this Classification Type would be an advertisement at a self-service gas station pump, a banner at a shopping mall, an advertisement on the concourse of an airport, etc.

  • Fleet Exterior–Scheduled is a Classification Type that includes Frames affixed to the exterior of moving fleet vehicles servicing predictable scheduled routes, whose intended audiences are persons within other moving vehicles on roadways (who can view the fleet vehicles' exterior Frames) as well as persons traveling on pedestrian walkways. An example of this Classification Type would be an advertisement on the side of a city bus.

  • Fleet Interior–Scheduled is a Classification Type that includes Frames affixed to the interior of moving fleet vehicles servicing predictable scheduled routes, whose intended audiences are persons using the fleet service. Geopath does not currently support this inventory classification. An example of this Classification Type would be an advertisement on the interior of a city bus.

  • Fleet Exterior-Dynamic is a Classification Type that includes outdoor Frames affixed to the exterior of moving fleet vehicles servicing dynamic routes, whose intended audiences are persons within other moving vehicles on roadways (who can view the fleet vehicles' exterior Frames) as well as persons traveling on pedestrian walkways. Geopath does not currently support this inventory classification. An example of this Classification Type would be an advertisement on the outside of a taxi cab, delivery service vehicle, or personal vehicle.

  • Fleet Interior-Dynamic is a Classification Type that includes outdoor Frames affixed to the interior of moving fleet vehicles servicing dynamic routes, whose intended audiences are persons using the fleet service. Geopath does not currently support this inventory classification. An example of this Classification Type would be an advertisement on the inside of a taxi cab.

The key differences between Classification Types are based: 1) what the audience is doing (e.g., riding in a passenger car, riding on a bus, viewing a bus from the street), 2) whether the audience is moving, and 3) whether the media is moving. All of these factors are accounted for when determining the likelihood of a person to notice a media message. For more information about the likelihood of noting a media message see the Geopath Methodology Wiki page listed above.


Geopath assigns a Location to all OOH inventory. Locations can also be assigned to objects other than “inventory” (e.g., Places or Routes). How locations are tailored to non-inventory objects will be discussed when we define those objects below. Locations are distinguished by the primary attributes listed below. Location attributes can be mandatory for some locations or conditionally mandatory for other locations, depending on what is located at the location.

  • Longitude and Latitude describe the geographical position of the location. Longitude and Latitude are mandatory elements for all locations.

  • Elevation describes the height of the item at the location. Elevation is measured in feet above sea-level and is currently an optional element.


For Roadside inventory the following are mandatory elements of the location:

  • Orientation describes the direction an inventory item at this location is pointing and is expressed as degrees from true north as measured from the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system.

  • Primary Artery the primary road the inventory associated with the location is seen from.

  • Primary Read describes the audience’s ‘read direction’ (Left/Right/Center/Parallel) of the inventory associated with the location from the primary artery.


For Place-Based inventory the following are also a mandatory part of the location description:

  • Level describes the floor of a building where the OOH inventory is located.

  • Levels Visible indicates how many levels of a building the OOH inventory associated with the location is visible from (e.g., if a location can be seen from both a ground-level view and a balcony).

  • Place Type Identifier indicates the type of place this location is at, if the location is a place (see Places and Place Types below).

Places and Place Types

A Place is a venue at a specific location and is described by one or more polygons, where the vertices of the polygon are GPS coordinates. An example of a typical polygon would be the outline of a shopping mall (such as shown in the example diagram below).

A Place Type describes the type of venue. Examples of place types include a theater, a grocery store, or a stadium. Currently, Geopath defines 80 different Place Types. Places have attributes that Geopath uses to determine the pedestrian traffic patterns and average Dwell Time of audiences, including the following:

  • A Place Identifier is Geopath’s unique identifier for a venue where media is located

  • A Parent Place Identifier is the identifier of the parent place this place is associated with. For example, if a Place is an airport, each airport concourse and airport terminal could be defined as separate Places (with the airport Place Identifier being used as the “Parent Place Identifier” of the concourses and terminals).  As an example, Newark Airport terminals A, B, C, and Newark concourses A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3 are all child places of the parent place Newark Liberty International Airport.  Most Places do not currently have a defined Parent Place Identifier and for places where a Parent Place Identifier is defined, only two levels of hierarchy are allowed for Parent Place Identifiers.

  • Here Place Identifier is a third-party company (HERE Maps) identifier for the place.

  • Place Type describes the type of venue.

  • Place Name is a description of the place.

  • Place Short Name is an abbreviated description of the Place.

  • Polygon List are a set of polygons that describe the geographical boundaries of a Place.

  • Location Identifier is the unique identifier for a Geopath Location described above. The Location data for a Place will have only the Longitude and Latitude and Place Type Identifier of the location. All other elements of the location for a Placed are undefined. The Longitude and Latitude for a Place are relative to the center of the Place Polygon.

  • Open Date is the date when the Place became available to the general public.

  • Entrance Count is the number of entrances and exits to the Place.

  • Concourse Count is the number of transit and airport concourses at the Place.

  • Platforms Count is the number of transit platforms in the Place.

  • Floor Count is the number of floors at the Place.

  • Square Feet is the total retail area of the Place.

  • Street Address is the street address of the Place.

  • City is the city in which the place is located.

  • State Is the state in which the place is located.

  • Transfer Station is a true/false value that indicates if the Place is a transfer station for transit.

Placement Type

The Placement Type indicates where the media is located relative to the venue (e.g., “above bar,” "on scoreboard,” etc.). Placement Type is a mandatory attribute of a Frame for Fleet Exterior - Scheduled and Place-Based Classification Types. The placement type affects the probability of the audience noting the media.

OOH Inventory Data Model Hierarchy: Frames, Layouts, Faces, and Spots

The basic data model for OOH advertising inventory is composed of several parts organized into a hierarchy. The “container” of the parts is the highest-level element in the hierarchy and is called a Frame. The hierarchy is very general in order to describe a wide variety of OOH advertising inventory. It is very common for an advertisement to have a simplified structure (e.g., a Frame with a single Layout, the Layout with a single Face, and the Face with a single Spot). An example of such a sign would be a non-digital roadside billboard. In this simplified example, there is still a uniquely identifiable Layout, Face, and Spot associated with the Frame.

The diagram below helps to visualize the relationship between key Geopath inventory data elements. Note that the diagram indicates that a Frame is the surrounding border of an advertisement. However, from a data definition perspective, a Frame represents much more than just the properties of the “border” of an advertisement. A Frame is the parent data object in the hierarchy of an advertisement that contains children objects for all sub-parts of the advertisement, including a Layout, Face, and a Spot. The sub-parts of an advertisement inherit many of their properties from the properties of the Frame. Throughout the rest of this document, when we refer to properties of a Frame, the reader should interpret that to mean the Frame and all of its child components. For example, when we refer to the “Classification Type” of a Frame as being Roadside, all sub-parts of the advertisement are all of Classification Type Roadside. Classification types and sub-parts of advertisement are described in detail below.

  • A Frame, as previously indicated, is the parent in the hierarchy of data elements that describe Geopath managed OOH advertising inventory. Each Frame has a unique identifier. A Frame contains at least one, but possibly multiple, Layouts. A Frame is also a physical structure which borders the physical structure that holds message content. Most of the time when we discuss Frame, we are referring to the hierarchy of data elements and measures associated with the data element that represents real-world OOH inventory and not the physical border itself.

  • A Layout, as indicated in the picture above, describes one or more rectangular regions or within a Frame that simultaneously display independent content. If a sign has more than one Layout, it is typically due to the sign being a digital display, where the window size and positions can change over time as each Layout is alternately displayed or rotates on and off the digital display. Each Layout has a unique Layout identifier.

  • Each rectangular region in the Layout is called a Face and has a unique Face Identifier. A face has attributes for the horizontal and vertical offset of the upper left position of a creative from the corner of the upper left position of the Frame. Each Face has a height and width defined, and the Face size indicates the size of the creative that can be displayed on the Face; the position of the creative will be displayed on the Frame relative to the position of the Frame’s upper left corner.

  • A Spot is a specific “opportunity” to display an advertising creative, informational message or other content (in practice, a Spot is usually a unique sellable ‘ad unit’). Exactly how the “opportunity” is realized (e.g., the first 10 seconds in a sequence of six messages that repeat every minute, or a 10 second message displaying at random times but guaranteed to display on average 60 times an hour, etc) is not important to inform the audience measurements Geopath generates for the spot. This will be discussed in more detail below when we discuss Share of Voice. For printed media, there is only one “opportunity” to display a message on a Face for a given advertising campaign, and thus printed media have only one Spot per Face. It is possible for a Face to contain multiple Spots (as a “rotating” mechanical mechanism known as a “tri-vision” sign, or a digital display, can each have multiple advertisements that appear sequentially on the area of a Face). If a digital display were to have six different “opportunities” for advertising messages, the Face would have six Spots with six unique Spot Identifiers associated with a Face.

It is common for an advertisement to have a simplified structure (e.g., a Frame with a single Layout, the Layout with a single Face, and the Face with a single Spot). An example of such a sign would be a non-digital roadside billboard. In this simplified example, there is still a uniquely identifiable Layout, Face, and Spot associated with the Frame.


A Construction is the physical structure that a physical Frame is attached to (or is part of). Each Construction is assigned a unique Geopath Construction Identifier. Constructions can be of different types. Examples of Construction Types include: Freestanding, Exterior Wall, Exterior Vehicle, Tablet, etc. Operators may also supply a Construction Name. If the operator of a Frame does not provide a Construction Name, Geopath creates a Construction Name using the latitude and longitude of the structure. Each Construction also indicates the Location Identifier for where the Construction is located.

Longitude and Latitude are the only mandatory location elements for Construction Locations. All other Location attributes are undefined for a Construction.

Media Types & Frame Media Names

In addition to grouping Frames by Classification Type, each Classification Type can be subdivided into groups, typically based on the physical size of the Frame. We call these subdivisions Media Types. Media Type is an attribute of a Frame in the Geopath inventory data model. Geopath uses historical OOH industry jargon and codifies this jargon into a range of specific sizes, which are used to define possible Media Types:

  • A Mural is a Media Type value for very large, non-standard advertisements placed directly on building surfaces or attached to walls.

  • A Bulletin is a Media Type value for an extra-large standard advertisements that are approximately 10 to 20 feet high by 36 to 60 feet wide.

  • A Poster is a Media Type value for large advertisements that are approximately 10 to 12 feet high by 22 to 25 feet wide.

  • A Junior Poster is a Media Type value for moderately sized advertisements that are approximately 5 to 6 feet high and 11 to 13 feet wide.

  • A Panel is a Media Type value for small sized advertisements that are between approximately 35 inches high by 63 inches wide and 6 feet high by 13 feet wide.

  • A Display is a Media Type value for the smallest advertisements that are less than 35 inches high by 63 inches wide.


An additional attribute of a Frame in the Geopath inventory data model is the Frame Media Name. A Frame Media Name is referred to in the Geopath Insights Suite user interface as the Operator Name. The Frame Media Name is an alternate method of classifying media within a Classification Type as a string of text characters assigned to a Frame by the OOH media owner/operator to describe specific Frame types in their inventory. An example of a Frame Media Name is a “King” (on the side of a transit bus for the Fleet Exterior-Scheduled Classification Type). Frame Media Names are not standardized across media owners/operators; because the Frame Media Names assigned by different operators are often similar, but not identical, care should be taken when using the Frame Media Name to identify specific OOH inventory.

Share of Voice

Layouts and Spots have a marketing property known as Share of Voice (SoV). Frames and Faces do not have a Share of Voice. When there are multiple Layouts that are alternately displayed on a Frame or multiple Spots that are alternately displayed on a Face, Share of Voice indicates the percentage of the total available display time that a specific Layout or Spot is displayed. More precisely:

Layout Share of Voice is the amount of time a specific Layout is displayed divided by the sum of time all Layouts are displayed on a specific Frame.

Spot Share of Voice is the amount of time a specific Spot is displayed divided by the sum of time that all Spots on the same Face are displayed on a specific Face.

Using the above definitions, the following statements are true (in general):

  • The sum of the Share of Voice for all Spots on a single Face equals one.

  • The sum of the Share of Voice for all Layouts on a Frame also equals one.

Below is a diagram illustrating the relationship between advertisement visibility and Share of Voice. In this example, the Frame has two rotating Layouts and multiple rotating Spots per Face. Note that the intention of this illustration is to show the flexibility of the data model. Very rarely would a Frame in the real world have both rotating Layouts and rotating Spots.

Maximum Frame Count (a.k.a., “Max Frames”)

Both Place-Based and Fleet Media Classification Types have real-world business scenarios where it does not make sense for each Spot to have a unique Geopath Spot Identifier. Typical examples of this are Place-Based signs at transit stations, transit hubs, or other venues where many copies of the same advertisement may exist but are dispersed throughout the venue. A similar situation occurs with signs attached to transit buses whose routes all originate from the same physical garage. In these scenarios, each Spot of a specific Media Type is not uniquely identified; instead a count of the total copies of each Media Type associated with the Place is maintained as an attribute of the Frame. We call the total available Spots of a specific Media Type at a Place the Maximum Frame Count. The Maximum Frame Count is often abbreviated to just “Max Frames”.

The example below demonstrates the inventory data hierarchy Layout that would exist for a Place-Based static sign that has 50 copies of the sign spread throughout a venue, such as a Transit Station.

The next example shows how Max Frames is used in a Fleet Exterior–Scheduled scenario. The inventory data Layout that would exist for a “Taillight” Frame Media Name, with 75 buses that originate from the same garage (that each support the ‘Taillight’ Frame Media Name), and where the garage has 100 total buses that support advertisements. The Layout SoV in this case equals the reciprocal of the total number of buses in the garage (independent of any Frame Media Name) and the Max Frames indicates the number of buses in the garage that can support the ‘Taillight’ Frame Media Name.


Inventory Data Constraints

For Roadside digital Frames, all Spots must currently have equal Share of Voice. This is illustrated in the Frame Layout diagram below for a typical digital roadside Frame.

Scheduled Fleet Frames can have only a single Layout per Frame, a single Face per Layout, and a single Spot per Face. The reciprocal of the Layout SoV for fleet equals the number of vehicles that originate from the garage and the maximum Frame count for a particular Media Type (e.g., for Frame Media Name of ‘Taillight’) can be less than the number of vehicles at a garage, since all vehicles may not be able to accommodate all Media Types. For an example of a typical fleet inventory Layout configuration, see the example above under the Maximum Frame Count heading.

Spots on Place-Based digital Frames have a single Spot per Face. The Spot SoV for a Place Based Frame indicates the number of Spots in Rotation on the Frame. The example below illustrates a typical Place-Based digital inventory Layout.

For Place-Based Frames, there are two scenarios when some content displayed on the Frame is intentionally outside of Geopath’s audit and measurement auspices. Typical examples of these scenarios are when an entire Frame is used for displaying some content not managed by a Geopath member or when a portion of a Frame (e.g., the Face of a Layout) is not managed by a Geopath member. An example of such a use case would be an airport departure schedule of a Face being used to communicate flight departure information, while an additional Face is managed by a Geopath member in the same Layout. Currently, we handle the Geopath unmeasured content display time in these two situations by setting the Layout Share of Voice to less than one even when there is a single Layout. In these scenarios, the sum of Layout Share of Voice for all Layouts on a Frame will be less than one.

A Frame is a Frame is a Frame…

There are two special cases for what constitutes a Frame or a Spot in the real world. The first case is that of a tri-vision (mechanically rotating) sign, where the Face content is displayed in vertical strips and each strip has three surfaces that can be rotated. By rotating the strips, it is possible to create three individual images. Geopath defines the overall sign as a single Frame, Layout, and Face with the Face having three unique Spots. Please note that some operators consider each image of the tri-vision display a separate Frame and therefore some tri-vision displays currently appear as three separate Frames with a single Layout, Face, and Spot.

The second special case is when multiple physical displays can be combined to contain a single advertising message as in the image above. If all three displays are grouped to be a single image, then the yellow border would represent a single Frame with a single Layout, Face, and Spot. If each image inside the red boxes were a separate advertising message, then this would be one Frame and Layout with three Faces and three Spots. If the operator wishes to group displays to create a single large creative message, the single Frame/Layout and three-Face/Spot approach is the Geopath recommended method that allows the single creative to be accurately measured for impressions while still allowing for accurate measures for three individual Spots, one on each physical display.


Representation Types describe the right of a legal entity (e.g., a company, government agency, etc.) to control some commercial aspect of the inventory. Geopath defines four types of inventory Representation: Own, Manage, Transact, and Schedule.

  • Own is a Representation Type that indicates the Account that is the owner or leaseholder of an asset. The owner may also manage that asset. The entity with an Own Representation for inventory has long-term control of the inventory: they may outright own the inventory Construction, physical Frame, land the Construction is built on, building or device associated with the inventory, or they may have long-term leases on any one of these. Own is the only mandatory Representation for inventory. In the case where the inventory owner also acts as the Account with a Manage Representation only an Own Representation is present for that inventory.

  • Manage is a Representation Type that indicates the Account that manages the day-to-day operation of OOH advertising inventory. The Manage Representation typically sells the inventory, schedules the installation of creatives, schedules removal of creatives at the end of an advertising campaign, etc. A common arrangement is for the entity with an Own Representation to be a non-advertising business (e.g., a retail store, a public transportation authority, etc) that leases the right to place advertisements onto the physical Construction or Frame to a third party whose primary business is operating an OOH advertising network. The OOH operator in this example would have a Manage Representation for the inventory. An example of this would be advertisements on the side of a city bus. In this example, the city transit authority owns the Frame and subcomponents of the inventory (and uses an Own Representation), but a third-party operator manages advertising campaigns displayed on the bus (and uses a Manage Representation).

  • Transact is a Representation Type that indicates the Account with privileges to represent or transact business upon the inventory asset. The transact relationship is typically used in programmatic advertising where one or more Spots in a loop on a digital asset may be available for a programmatic advertising partner to manage.

  • Schedule is a Representation Type that allows the Account with Schedule Representation to see the availability of one or more Spots on an OOH asset (but not necessarily sell or reserve the Spots for sale). This Representation Type would (conceptually) be used by third-party platforms or services that indirectly generate ad sales leads or opportunities on behalf of media owners/operators. As of July 2023, no Account has a Schedule Representation for any OOH inventory in Geopath’s systems.

Representation relationships can be potentially complex legal agreements that are beyond the scope of Geopath to completely define and characterize. Therefore, some aspects of the Own or Manage Representation descriptions may or may not apply in a specific case. In practice, this does not prevent Geopath or its members from effectively determining the Own and Manage Representations for a specific piece of inventory.

A few important Representation business rules should be noted:

  1. Every inventory component has an Own Representation.

  2. Each inventory component can have only one Representation of each type (i.e. Own, Manage, Transact, or Schedule).

  3. Frame, Layout, Face, and Spot components of a specific Frame must all have the same Accounts for a Representation type (e.g., if Account A has an Own Representation for a Frame B, then Account A also has the Own Representation for all Layouts, Faces and Spots on Frame B).

  4. Currently, all API searches based on Representation Type search on the Representation Type of the Spot (not the Frame or other inventory component).


For any company or legal entity that has a Representation relationship to any inventory component there is an Account. Technically speaking, an entity defined using an Account is not required to be a Geopath member. Accounts can also have sub-accounts. For example, different regions or divisions within the same company can each have an Account that is linked to the Parent Account. The Geopath Insights Suite refers to the Parent Account as the “organization” and sub-accounts as “divisions.”

The Geopath API and Insights Suite support querying inventory based on the Parent Account Name. Multiple Accounts can be associated with an inventory component. This can occur when one Account has an Own Representation and a different Account has a Manage Representation for the same inventory item. In this scenario, each Account with a different Representation will each have a distinct Parent Account. Thus, when performing a search by Parent Account Name, all Parent Accounts Names of any account with any Representation for that inventory will match the Parent Account Name in the search request.

Inventory Identifier Aliases

As mentioned above, Geopath creates identifiers for each part of the advertising media. To facilitate data exchange between companies, Geopath provides a facility to map between third party media identifiers and Geopath defined identifiers. For example, Geopath will store the third-party Frame Identifier of the company with an Own Representation and the third-party Frame identifier of the company with a Manage Representation for a Frame. In fact, Geopath allows each third-party Representation to have two identifiers stored. Geopath refers to each third-party identifier as the ID Alias Primary and the ID Alias Secondary, where ID Alias Primary or ID Alias Secondary is proceeded by the media component type (e.g., Frame ID Alias Primary, Spot ID Alias Secondary, Construction ID Alias Primary, etc).

These identifiers can be used to build what is commonly called a crosswalk to translate between Geopath identifiers and third-party company identifiers. Below is an example of what such a table might look like.


Own (Mass. Transit Authority)



Own (Mass. Transit Authority)


Frame ID

Frame ID Alias Primary

Frame ID Alias Secondary

Frame ID Alias Primary

Frame ID Alias Secondary

















The alias identifiers are stored as part of the Representation record for each inventory component. It is possible for there to be identifier ‘collisions’ between different alias identifiers supplied by different companies, so searches on alias identifier should always also limit the search to an Account or Parent Account to avoid unexpected results.

Frame Status

A Frame (and its constituent parts, Layouts, Faces, and Spots) are assigned a Status by Geopath. The Frame Status indicates what level of validation and measurement Geopath has conducted. The following Status values describe the “state” of a Frame:

  • Incomplete Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame is still in the process of being created and has incomplete or invalid attributes

  • Unpublished-Measured Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame has measures created, inventory and measures suppressed for licensed users, but available for review by the operator

  • Unpublished-Inactive Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame is an Unpublished asset of a Geopath member, not scheduled for audit, and no measures are available for the Frame

  • Published-Unmeasured Is a Frame Status Type that indicates Frame measures do not exist but the Frame data is available to all licensed users

  • Published-Measured Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame has measures created and the Frame and its measures are available to licensed users

  • Published-Under Review Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame has measures created, but are under review; inventory metadata and measures are available to licensed users

  • Published-Suppressed Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame has measures created, but are under review; inventory metadata is available to licensed users, but measures are suppressed

  • Published-Preliminary Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame has measures created via an automated process; inventory and measures are available to licensed users but the Frame still requires a manual audit before it can transition into ‘Published-Measured’ status

  • Published-Inactive Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame is an audited asset of a non-member

  • Decommissioned Is a Frame Status Type that indicates the Frame no longer exists

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