Geopath OOH Inventory Business Glossary

Geopath OOH Inventory Business Glossary

The purpose of the Geopath OOH Inventory Business Glossary is to facilitate querying and interpreting Geopath data. For a more general glossary of OOH industry terms, please refer to the Geopath Glossary of Terms. The current version of the business glossary contains definitions related to Geopath’s Inventory. Future versions of the business glossary will be expanded to include audience & measure-related definitions.









Depending on context, a Frame can either be the physical border that surrounds an advertisement or it can be the root of the class hierarchy that describes an advertisement (i.e., Frame->Layout->Face->Spot). 


Frame Identifier

The unique Geopath Identifier for a Frame object.


Construction Identifier

Unique Geopath Identifier for the Construction object that describes the physical structure that that a Frame is attached to.


Construction Name

The Operator's Name of the construction. If not provided, Geopath creates a construction name using the latitude and longitude of the Construction.


Construction Description

The Operator’s description of the Construction.


Construction Type

A Construction Type identifies the type of physical structure that supports a Frame.

Construction Type


A Construction Type consisting of a freestanding structure taller than 10 feet tall.

Construction Type

Exterior Wall

A Construction Type consisting of an exterior wall of a standing building.

Construction Type

Interior Wall

A Construction Type consisting of a wall inside of a building.

Construction Type


A Construction Type consisting of a freestanding structure less than 10 feet tall.

Construction Type


A Construction Type consisting of a series of steps a pedestrian traverses when traveling between two different elevations.

Construction Type


A Construction Type consisting of the surface atop a building.

Construction Type


A Construction Type where the frame hangs from (or is flush with the upper interior surface of a room or other similar compartment).

Construction Type


A Construction Type where located on a flat surface where people may walk.

Construction Type


A Construction Type where a single person can hold a digital display (e.g., an iPad or Android tablet).

Construction Type

Interior Vehicle

A Construction Type that is within the interior of a vehicle.

Construction Type

Exterior Vehicle

A Construction Type that is on the exterior surface of a vehicle.

Construction Type


A Construction Type that is a column inside of a building.

Construction Type


A Construction Type that is located on the interior of an elevator inside a building.

Construction Type

Furniture - Top

A Construction Type that is located on the top of a freestanding structure within view of someone passing by.

Construction Type

Bus Exterior

A Construction Type that is the Exterior surface of a Bus.

Construction Type

Truck Exterior

A Construction Type that is the Exterior surface of a Truck.

Construction Type

Personal Motorized Vehicle Exterior

A Construction Type that is the Exterior surface of a personal Motorized Vehicle.

Construction Type

Undefined Construction Type

A Construction Type that is assigned whenever none of the existing construction types adequately describe the construction a frame is attached to.

Construction Type

Plant Frame Identifier

Legacy Identifier for the Operator’s internal Frame identifier (this is superseded by frame_id_alias_primary of the Owner’s inventory).


Media Type

The Media type classifies signs based primarily on size. The media type is one of the following possible values: "Murals", "Bulletin", "Poster", "Junior Poster", "Panel" or "Display". Please see the individual glossary definitions (below) for additional detail on each media type.



A media type value for very large, non-standard products placed directly on building surfaces or attached to walls.



A media type value for extra large-sized standard products (approx. 10-20' H x 36-60' W.



A media type value for large-sized products (approx. 10-12' H x 22-25' W).


Junior Poster

A media type value for moderate-sized products (approx. 5-6' H x 11-13' W).



A media type value for small-sized products (approx. 35"H x 63" W - 5-6' H x 11-13' W).



A media type value for smallest-sized products (approx. less than 35"H x less than 63" W).


Classification Type

Classification types separate advertising media in to groups with significantly different audiences or measurement methods.  Currently supported classification types are "Roadside", "Place Based", and "Fleet Exterior - Scheduled".

Classification Type


A Classification Type that includes Stationary outdoor inventory where audience move by the advertising message on a trip to a destination. Roadside audiences are persons within moving vehicles on roadways or persons traveling on pedestrian walkways.

Classification Type

Place Based

A Classification Type that includes Frames located at, or within, a destination venue (indoor or outdoor) with associated dwell time. Place-based media audiences are typically pedestrians.

Classification Type

Fleet Exterior - Scheduled

A Classification Type that includes frames affixed to the exterior of moving fleet vehicles servicing predictable scheduled routes, whose intended audiences are persons within moving vehicles on roadways or persons traveling on pedestrian walkways.

Classification Type

Fleet Interior - Scheduled

A Classification Type that includes frames affixed to the interior of moving fleet vehicles servicing predictable scheduled routes, whose intended audiences are persons using the fleet service.

Classification Type

Fleet Exterior - Dynamic

A Classification Type that includes frames affixed to the exterior of moving fleet vehicles servicing dynamic routes, whose intended audiences are persons within moving vehicles on roadways or persons traveling on pedestrian walkways.

Classification Type

Fleet Interior - Dynamic

A Classification Type that includes frames affixed to the interior of moving fleet vehicles servicing dynamic routes, whose intended audiences are persons using the fleet service.

Classification Type

Placement Type

The Placement Type indicates where a Frame is located relative to the  Place a frame is located at, e. g., "Above Bar", "On Scoreboard", etc.  Placement Type is a mandatory attribute.

Placement Type

One On One

A Placement Type for a frame that is designed to only be seen by people in the immediate vicinity (i.e. customers sitting at a table at a restaurant).

Placement Type

Above Bar

A Placement Type for a Frame sitting above or behind the bar at a bar or restaurant.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a frame positioned near the entrance or exit of a building.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame placed near a register with a 1-to-1 customer experience, such as at a quick-serve restaurant or retail store.

Placement Type

At Pump

A Placement Type for a Frame Sitting on or in a fuel dispenser, designed to be seen by customers pumping gas.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame located within a less traveled hallway (e.g., restroom of a venue, etc.).

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame inside the elevator of a building.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame within the bathroom of a venue.

Placement Type

Above Interactive Zone

A Placement Type for  a Frame that is immediately above an interactive interface commonly seen on touch screen kiosks (e.g., ATM machines, transit fare machines, digital jukeboxes, etc.).

Placement Type

Inside Auditorium

A Placement Type for a Frame within the seating area of a theater, music venue, church, etc. (can be seen by all attending the event).

Placement Type

Interior Corridor

A Placement Type for a Frame along a traveled major corridor in a venue (e.g., a retail corridor of a shopping mall).

Placement Type

Above Food Sales

A Placement Type for a Frame sits above the food sales in a venue whose purpose is not food sales (e.g., mall food court, concessions at a stadium, etc.)

Placement Type

Waiting Area

A Placement Type for a Frame within the waiting area of a building (e.g., doctor's office waiting room, seating/gathering area in a hotel lobby, etc.)

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame co-located with a Scoreboard in a sports venue.

Placement Type

Receptacle Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is co-located where patrons dispose of trash or other objects.

Placement Type

Opposite Bar

A Placement Type for a Frame that sits opposite the bar.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the cart return at a shopping facility.

Placement Type

Customer Service Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the customer service region of a shopping area.

Placement Type

Fare Gate

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located at the fare gate of a transit facility.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located along a concourse of a transit facility.

Placement Type

Fare Machines

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located at the fare machines of a transit facility.

Placement Type

Parking Lot

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within the parking lot of a venue.

Placement Type

Elevator Lobby

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the elevator lobby of a building.

Placement Type

In Seating

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within the seating area of a venue, designed only to be seen by the patrons in the vicinity (e.g., along a cupholder in a seat).

Placement Type

Pet Relief Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within the pet relief area of a venue.

Placement Type

Open Floor

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the center of a venue, unobstructed by a wall or pillar (e.g., kiosk in a food court, bench in the center of a common area, etc.).

Placement Type

Vehicle Front Exterior

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the front of a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Rear Exterior

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on a the rear exterior of a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Driver Side Exterior

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the driver’s side of a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Passenger Side Exterior

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the passenger’s side of a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Full Wrap Exterior

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on all exterior sides of a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior Ceiling

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on a the interior ceiling of a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior Overhead

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on a overhead area of a vehicle (e.g., overhead luggage area).

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior On Door

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the interior of a vehicle door.

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior Next to Door

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located next to the interior of a vehicle door.

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior Back of Seat

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the back of a seat within a vehicle.

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior Front

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located on the front of the vehicle’s interior.

Placement Type

Vehicle Interior Seating Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in a vehicle’s seating area.

Placement Type

Dining Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located for a Frame located in area of extended dwell, such as an area for eating.

Placement Type

Bathroom Unisex

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within a non-gendered bathroom of a venue.

Placement Type

Bathroom Women

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within a female dedicated bathroom of a venue.

Placement Type

Bathroom Men

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within a male dedicated bathroom of a venue.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in a way that it cannot be seen by pedestrians on the same side of the street.

Placement Type

Set Back

A Placement Type for a frame that is located in a way that it can be seen by pedestrians on the same side of the street.

Placement Type

Above Staircase

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located above an escalator or staircase.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is within the ticketing/check-in area of an airport.

Placement Type

Baggage Claim

A Placement Type for a Frame that is within the baggage claim area of an airport.

Placement Type

In Queue

A Placement Type for a Frame that is within a queuing area.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in a room which provides a space out of which one or more other rooms or corridors lead, typically one near the entrance of a public building.

Placement Type

Locker Room Women

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within a female dedicated locker room of a venue.

Placement Type

Locker Room Men

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within a male dedicated locker room of a venue.

Placement Type

Airport Gate

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within the gate waiting area of an airport.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within an indoor or outdoor area provided for children to play.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in a passage between shelves of goods in a supermarket or other retail business, or between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, an airplane, or a train.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located  on the area at the end of an aisle in a retail store.

Placement Type

EV Charging Parking

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located at an Electric Vehicle Charging location within the parking lot of a venue.

Placement Type

Checkout Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located  in the area where people are queuing and waiting to checkout such as at a retail or grocery store.

Placement Type

Jet Bridge

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the Passageway between an airport gate and airplane.

Placement Type

Merge Point

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located where paths converge and exposure to the Frame is maximized.

Placement Type

Resident Mailroom

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the mailroom of a residential center. Only available for viewing by residents.

Placement Type

Resident Laundry Room

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the laundry room of a residential center. Only available for viewing by residents.

Placement Type

Resident Amenity

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located at an amenity of a residential center (e.g., clubhouse, lounge, pool) only available for viewing by residents.

Placement Type


A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in an open area viewable to multiple structural floors.

Placement Type

Vending Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in an area where one or more vending machines are located.

Placement Type

Valet Parking

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the vehicle pick-up and drop-off area of valet-only parking lots.

Placement Type

Hospital Dining Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in a Hospital Dining Area

Placement Type

Full Venue Audio

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located within a venue that is audio only, playing in the entire venue, (there is no physical structure).

Placement Type

Partial Venue Audio

A Placement Type for a Frame that is within a venue that is audio only, playing in part of the venue (there is no physical structure).

Placement Type

Lobby Waiting Area

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located in the main space at the entrance of the venue; has significant dwell time.

Placement Type

Undefined Placement

A Placement Type for a Frame that is located at a placement that is not described appropriately by any of the existing defined placement types.

Placement Type

Frame Status

Geopath’s measurement/auditing status of the frame (please see below for specific possible values for Frame Status).

Frame Status


A Frame status that indicates the frame has incomplete or invalid attributes.

Frame Status

Unpublished - Measured

A Frame status that indicates the frame has measures created; inventory and measures suppressed for licensed users, but available for review by operator.

Frame Status

Unpublished - Inactive

A Frame status that indicates the frame is an unpublished asset of a Geopath member, not scheduled for audit, and has no measures available.

Frame Status

Published - Unmeasured

A Frame status that indicates frame measures do not exist but the frame is available to all licensed users.

Frame Status

Published - Measured

A Frame status that indicates the frame has measures created; and the frame and its measures are s available to licensed users.

Frame Status

Published - Under Review

A Frame status that indicates the frame has measures created, but the measures are under review; inventory metadata and measures are available to licensed users.

Frame Status

Published - Suppressed

A Frame status that indicates the frame has measures created, but are under review; inventory metadata is available to licensed users but measures are suppressed.

Frame Status

Published - Preliminary

A Frame status that indicates the frame has Measures created via automated process; inventory and measures available to licensed users; still requires a manual audit.

Frame Status

Published - Inactive

A Frame status that indicates the frame is an audited asset of a non-member.

Frame Status


A Frame status that indicates the frame no longer exists.

Frame Status

Frame Illumination Start Time

The time that Frame illumination starts.


Frame Illumination End Time

The time that Frame illumination ends.


Frame Illumination Type

The frame illumination type describes how a frame is lit by sunlight or by an artificial light source.

Frame Illumination Type

Sunlit Ambient

A Frame Illumination Type where the Surface of the frame is illuminated by ambient natural sunlight.

Frame Illumination Type

Front lit

A Frame Illumination Type where the Surface of the frame is illuminated from the front by non-ambient source.

Frame Illumination Type


A Frame Illumination Type where the Surface of the frame is illuminated from the back by a non-ambient source.

Frame Illumination Type

Artificial Ambient

A Frame Illumination Type where the Surface of the Frame is illuminated by an ambient artificial light source.

Frame Illumination Type

Frame Height

Frame height in Inches including any border surrounding the layout.


Frame Width

Frame width in Inches including any border surrounding the layout.


Frame Maximum Pixel Width

Maximum pixel width of frame.


Frame Maximum Pixel Height

Maximum pixel height of frame.


Frame Construction Date

Date Frame was Constructed.


Frame Description

Text Description of the Frame to further describe the Frame. For example, Roadside inventory often has a description of where the Roadside Frame can be found on a map and its orientation relative to the roadway. 


Frame Full Motion

Does the frame support full motion graphics?


Frame Partial Motion

Does the frame support partial motion graphics?


Frame Rotating

Does the frame support rotating ads?


Frame Interactive

Does the frame support interactive ads?


Frame Audio

Does the frame support audio?


Frame Media Name

Proprietary Name assigned by the Operator that Owns or Manages this Frame.


Frame Engagement Score

A value that that contributes to the likelihood that the audience will notice the content in a frame. The engagement score calculation is specific to the Classification Type.


Location Identifier

Geopath Identifier for a location object, including the longitude, latitude and elevation of the location. Frames, Places, Constructions and Assignments all have a location identifier as a mandatory element.



Compass heading of the facing in degrees.


Primary Read

Read direction (left/right/center/parallel) of the location from the primary artery.


Primary Artery

The primary road the location is seen from.



The floor of a building the location is on.


Levels Visible

How many levels of a building the location is visible from.



Latitude coordinates of the location.



Longitude coordinates of the location.


Block Identifier

The census block ID of the location.



The elevation of the frame / structure at the middle of the frame, elevation above sea-level.



Geometry of the location (for geospatial use).


DMA Identifier

ID of the designated market area (DMA) the location is in.


Zip Code

ID of the zip code the location is in.


Time Zone

ID of the time zone the location is in.


Location Place Type

This the Place Type for this location. See Place Type definition for more information.


Location Description

A text description of the location.



A Place is a location of a business, a retail shopping mall,  government agency, an event venue, etc. where mainly pedestrians  spend from a few minutes to multiple hours at the Place.  A place is technically defined by its longitude, latitude, geographic area (defined by one or more polygons, where the vertices of the polygon are GPS coordinates) and a Place Type.  An example of a Place would be a Shopping Mall with its polygon being the shopping malls outline on a Map. 


Place Type

The type of location (e.g., “Grocery Store”, “Casino”, “Business”, etc)

Place Type

Layout Identifier

Geopath’s unique identifier for a Layout.


Layout Full Motion

Does the layout support full motion graphics?


Layout Partial Motion

Does the layout support partial motion graphics?


Layout Rotating

Does the layout support rotating ads?


Layout Interactive

Does the layout support interactive ads?


Layout Audio

Does the layout support audio?


Layout Share of Voice

Share of voice of this layout for the frame.


Face Identifier

Geopath’s unique identifier for a Face.


Average Spot Length on Face

Average time, in seconds, a spot is visible for on a specific face.


Publishers Unique Face Identifier

Legacy identifier for the Operator's internal Face identifier (this is superseded by face_id_alias_primary of the Own Representation for the Face)


Spots in Rotation on Face

Count of unique spots that are shown in rotation for this face.


Face Height

Height in inches of this face.


Face Width

Width in inches of this face.


Face Pixel Height

Pixel height of this face.


Face Pixel Width

Pixel width of this face.


Face Left Pixel Offset

X coordinate of the left most pixel on the face within this Frame. 


Face Top  Pixel Offset

Y coordinate of the top most pixel on the face within this Frame. 


Spot Identifier

Geopath’s unique identifier of the spot.


Publisher's Unique Spot Identifier

Legacy identifier for the Operator’s internal Spot identifier (this is superseded by spot_id_alias_secondary of the Own Representation for the Spot).


Plant Spot Identifier

Legacy identifier for the Operator's internal Spot identifier (this is superseded by spot_id_alias_primary of the Own Representation for the Spot).


Spot Share of Voice

Spot Length for a spot divided by the sum of Spot Lengths for all  Spots on the same Face.


Spot Length

Length of the time the spot is displayed in seconds for digital or rotating signs in seconds.


Spot Full Motion

Does the spot support full motion graphics?


Spot Partial Motion

Does the spot support partial motion graphics?


Spot Rotating

Does the spot support rotating ads?


Spot Interactive

Does the spot support interactive ads?


Spot Audio

Does the spot support audio?


Operating Day Type

The days of the week to which the operating hours apply.

Operating Hours

Operating Start Time

Time of Day the Frame is available for viewing.

Operating Hours

Operating End Time

Time of Day the Frame is no longer available for viewing.

Operating Hours

Frame Default Photograph

Picture of a Frame and surrounding environment.


Frame Photo URI

Internet Uniform Resource Identifier for the Frame Photograph.


Frame Photograph Type

Type of Photograph.


Frame Photograph Identifier

Geopath’s unique identifier for a photograph’s metadata.



A business that houses specialized equipment for physical fitness.

Place Type


Single or multi auditorium venue for watching movies/plays/musicals/etc.

Place Type


Gambling facility and associated hotel (if one exists).

Place Type


An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists.

Place Type


A sports arena with tiers of seats for spectators.

Place Type

Indoor Rec

Indoor location where patrons spend leisure time but do not necessarily buy anything.

Place Type

Outdoor Rec

Outdoor location where patrons spend leisure time but do not necessarily buy anything.

Place Type

Office Building

A form of commercial building which contains spaces mainly designed to be used for offices with the primary purpose to provide a workplace and working environment primarily for administrative and managerial workers.

Place Type


Place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed.

Place Type

Sitdown Restaurant

Dining facility where the majority of patrons sit at a table to order food.

Place Type

Quick Serve Restaurant

Dining facility where patrons order food from a counter then sit or leave to eat.

Place Type

Convenience Store

Location that offers a variety of goods for purchase. Usually a quick shopping experience such as a store in a gas station or a bodega.

Place Type


Store selling one or few types of products.

Place Type

Grocery Store

A business mainly specialized in distribution of groceries.

Place Type

Transit Hub

A multi-modal transportation stop. Usually multi-platform and allows pedestrians to transfer between trains, busses, streetcars, light railways, etc.

Place Type

Transit Station

A stop along a transit line that is unique to one mode of public transportation.

Place Type

Commercial Airport

Publicly owned airports that have at least 2,500 passenger boardings each calendar year and receive scheduled passenger service.

Place Type

Shopping Mall

Indoor or outdoor shopping area traditionally considered a "mall".

Place Type

Shopping Center

Smaller shopping facility in which a group of stores tend to face the parking lot.

Place Type

Lifestyle Center

Multi-use shopping facility of retail/offices/housing/etc.

Place Type

Outlet Mall

Shopping facility with large parking areas and overflow stores, often outdoor without a food court.

Place Type

Academic Building

University classroom building or library.

Place Type

Institutional Housing

Housing designed for temporary use.

Place Type

Student Center

Collegiate building designed for multiple purposes such as dining, studying, and shopping.

Place Type

Spiritual Center

Place of worship.

Place Type

Gas Station

An establishment beside a road selling fuel for motor vehicles.

Place Type

Rest Stop

Facility along roadway for stopping, often with food, gas, and convenience stores.

Place Type

Food Court

Facility with multiple food vendors and a common seating area.

Place Type


Facility where the majority of patrons go for the purpose of drinking.

Place Type


Movable location that holds an audience for a consistent, predetermined length of time.

Place Type

Central Business District

The main business and commercial area of a town or city.

Place Type

Urban Business

Roadside environment is an urban business area.

Place Type


Roadside environment is an urban area.

Place Type


Roadside environment is a suburban area.

Place Type


Roadside environment is a rural area.

Place Type

Fleet Vehicle

A moving vehicle that is part of a fleet of vehicles that provide the same service.

Place Type

Residential Facility

Properties or buildings designed for accommodation purposes either by the owner or by tenants at the status of utilities.

Place Type

Parking Structure

A building designed for car parking and where there are a number of floors or levels on which parking takes place.

Place Type


A large public green area in a town, used for recreation.

Place Type

Pedestrian Plaza

An open urban public space where pedestrians can gather. Usually located on a street or between buildings.

Place Type


A facility providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.

Place Type

Airport Concourse

A building or portion of an airport that allows passengers direct access to boarding gates.

Place Type

Airport Terminal

A building or portion of an airport where passengers transfer between ground transportation and the facilities that allow them to board and disembark from an aircraft. Within the terminal, passengers purchase tickets, transfer their luggage, and go through security.

Place Type

Fraternal Organization

A facility where a society, club or fraternal order associated together for various religious or secular aims congregate.

Place Type

Tourist Attraction

A place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure and amusement.

Place Type

Event Facility

A public or privately owned structure or area used for the purposes of public performances, sporting events, private receptions or parties, or similar attractions that may generate heavy traffic.

Place Type

Country Club

A facility that generally offers both a variety of recreational sports and facilities for dining and entertaining. Typical athletic offerings are golf, tennis, and swimming.

Place Type

Car Wash Facility

A building containing equipment for washing cars or other vehicles by hand or automatically.

Place Type

Amusement Park

A large outdoor area with fairground rides, shows, refreshments, games of chance or skill, and other entertainments.

Place Type

Coffee Shop

A small, informal restaurant typically serving coffee or refreshments.

Place Type

Fire Department

The facility of a local or municipal authority in charge of preventing and fighting fires.

Place Type


An establishment with pay per use washing machines and dryers for public use.

Place Type

Convention Center

A large building that is designed to hold a convention, where individuals and groups gather to promote and share common interest.

Place Type


A large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale.

Place Type

Bus Garage

A facility where buses are stored and maintained.

Place Type

Community Center

A public location where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, public information, and other purposes.

Place Type


Corporations that provide services as intermediaries of financial markets.

Place Type


A path or trail separated from motorized traffic and dedicated to cycling or shared with pedestrians or other non-motorized users.

Place Type

Zip Code

The geographic area identified by a postal delivery area in the U.S.

Place Type

Scheduled Fleet System

A system of fleet vehicles that operate on publicly defined routes, schedules, and stops.

Place Type


A retail store where medicines and miscellaneous articles are sold.

Place Type

Medical Office

A facility where healthcare is provided.

Place Type

Medical Office - Cardiology

A healthcare facility specializing in Cardiology.

Place Type

Medical Office - Dermatology

A healthcare facility specializing in Dermatology.

Place Type

Medical Office - Gastroenterology

A healthcare facility specializing in Gastroenterology.

Place Type

Medical Office - Women's Health

A healthcare facility specializing in Women's Health.

Place Type

Medical Office - Neurology

A healthcare facility specializing in Neurology.

Place Type

Medical Office - Oncology

A healthcare facility specializing in Oncology.

Place Type

Medical Office - Physical Therapy

A healthcare facility specializing in Physical Therapy.

Place Type

Medical Office - Primary Care

A healthcare facility specializing in Primary Care.

Place Type

Medical Office - Rheumatology

A healthcare facility specializing in Rheumatology.

Place Type

Medical Office - Dentist Office

A healthcare facility specializing in Dentistry.

Place Type

Liquor Store

A liquor store is a retail shop that predominantly sells prepackaged alcoholic beverages intended to be consumed off premises.

Place Type

General Aviation Airport

Public-use airports that do not have scheduled service or have less than 2,500 annual passenger boardings.

Place Type

University Health Center

Healthcare facility located within a university campus.

Place Type

University Recreation Center

Place located within a university campus primarily used for recreational activities.

Place Type

University Housing

Residential building located within a university campus that primarily serves students.

Place Type

Auto Dealership

Business that sells new or used automobiles.

Place Type

Bus Garage Routes

Corridor surrounding bus routes that encompass pedestrians who may be passing through, walking between bus stops or transferring from one bus to another.

Place Type

University Dining

A dining facility within a university campus.

Place Type


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