Geopath 2023 vs 2024 Forecast Roadside Comparison Dashboard

Section 1: Assignment Comparison

This section of the dashboard contains three tables:

  • Combined Forecast 2024 and 2023 - contains both forecasts with assignment-level information

  • Forecast 2024 - contains the 2024 forecasts with assignment-level information

  • Forecast 2023 - contains the 2023 forecasts with assignment-level information

The table below provides definitions for each column header in this section of the dashboard

Column Name


Column Name



Forecast Name

Spot Id

Geopath Spot ID

Frame Id

Geopath Frame ID

Plant Spot Id

Operator Unit ID for the spot

Publisher Unique Id

Operator internal ID

Operator Name

Name of the media operator

Operator Division Name

Name of the operator's account

Operator Code

Operator's Account ID

Construction Type Name

The type of structure the frame is on, see Construction Type Name Table for more information

Frame Media Name

Operator's media name

Media Type Name

Geopath 's media name, see the Media Type Name tab for more information

Primary Artery

Primary street name provided by operator

Dma Name

The DMA name for where the frame is located

Cbsa Name

The CBSA name for where the frame is located

County Name

The County name for where the frame is located

Zip Code Name

The Zip Code name for where the frame is located

Frame Rotating

True if the frame is rotating, false if the frame is not rotating

Frame Digital

True if the frame is digital, false if the frame is not digital

Spot Full Motion

True if the spot is partial motion, false if the spot is not partial motion

Spot Partial Motion

True if the spot is full motion, false if the spot is not full motion

Spot Interactive

True if the spot is interactive, false if the spot is not interactive

Spot Audio

True if the spot has audio, false if the spot does not have audio

Spot Length

The number of seconds per spot

Average Spot Length

The average number of seconds per spot

Spots in Rotation

The number of spots within one loop

Spot Share of Voice

The spot share of voice

Layout Sov

The layout share of voice

Illumination Type Name

The type of illumination, see illumination type name Table for more information

Frame Illumination Start Time

The start time of the illumination

Frame Illumination End Time

The end time of the illumination

Frame Max Height

Frame maximum height

Face Height

Face height which is contained within the frame

Frame Max Width

Frame maximum width

Face Width

Face width which is contained within the frame


The facing of the frame in degrees


The latitude (indicates the location of the frame)


The longitude (indicates the location of the frame)

Status Type Name

Current Status of the Frame, see the table named Geopath Status Dictionary for more information

Right Hand

True if the assignment is a right hand read, false if the assignment is not a right hand read (by assignment)


True if the assignment is a center read, false if the assignment is not a center read (by assignment)


True if the assignment is a perpendicular, false if the assignment is not perpendicular (by assignment)

Distance From the Audience

Distance from the audience by assignment

Assignment Id

The ID given to the assignment made between the frame and the roadway network (by assignment)

Segment Id

Road network ID by assignment

Street Name

Street name provided by the road network, if no name is provided then this usually  means the road is a ramp (by assignment)

Mode of Travel

Is the type of assignment and is either B for "both vehicular and pedestrian" or P for "pedestrian only" (by assignment)


The cardinal direction the vehicular traffic is traveling by assignment

Func Class

The roadway classification defined by Teralytics

Weekly Teralytics Pedestrian Count*

The raw 5+ Teralytics weekly pedestrian count with no factors.

Daily Teralytics Pedestrian Count*

The raw 5+ Teralytics daily pedestrian count with no factors.

Weekly Pedestrian Volume

Weekly forecasted pedestrian 5+ count, incorporates the ped factor (forecast factor) by assignment

Weekly Pedestrian Circulation*

Weekly forecasted pedestrian 5+ count, incorporates the ped factor (forecast factor), percent viewable, and placement adjustment factor by assignment

Weekly Pedestrian Circulation Adjusted

Weekly forecasted pedestrian 5+ count, incorporates the ped factor (forecast factor), percent viewable, placement adjustment factor, and removes pedestrian traffic from the unilluminated hours which is determined by the hours of illumination by assignment

Weekly Teralytics Vehicular Count (AAWT)*

The raw 5+ Teralytics weekly vehicular count with no factors.

Daily Teralytics Vehicular Count (AADT)*

The raw 5+ Teralytics daily vehicular count with no factors.

Weekly Vehicular Volume

Weekly forecasted vehicular 5+ count, incorporates the veh factor (forecast factor) by assignment

Weekly Vehicular Circulation*

Weekly forecasted vehicular 5+ count, incorporates the veh factor (forecast factor) and the occupancy by assignment

Weekly Vehicular Circulation Adjusted

Weekly forecasted vehicular 5+ count, incorporates the veh factor (forecast factor), the occupancy, and removes traffic from the unilluminated hours which is determined by the hours of illumination by assignment


Occupancy, number of persons in a car. This is only applied for vehicular traffic (by assignment)

Ped Factor*

Geopath forecast adjustment factor for pedestrian counts

Veh Factor*

Geopath forecast adjustment factor for vehicular counts

Percent Viewable*

Percent that the frame is viewable, currently a default of 1 or 100%

Placement Adjustment Factor*

The placement factor used for pedestrian counts which can either be:

Curbside - Frame located in a way that it cannot be seen by pedestrians on the same side of the street
Set Back - Frame located in a way that it can be seen by pedestrians on the same side of the street

Segment Speed

Speed of travel on a vehicular roadway by assignment

Weekly Pedestrian Dwell Time

Dwell time in seconds for pedestrian traffic by assignment

Weekly Vehicular Dwell Time

Dwell time in seconds for vehicular traffic by assignment

Vehicular Spot Base Impressions 5 Plus

Vehicular weekly impressions 5+ by assignment

Pedestrian Spot Base Impressions 5 Plus

Pedestrian weekly impressions 5+ by assignment

Area Type Name

Area Type name, for more information go to the area type name table (also known as the Place Type)

Network Type Name

Roadway Network being used

Time Calculated

Last date the impressions were recalculated based on any change

*Available upon request only

Section 2: Spot Level Comparison

This section of the dashboard contains one table:

  • Weekly SPOT Level Impressions - contains both forecast at the spot level for easier comparison

The table below provides definitions for each column header in this section of the dashboard

Column Name


Column Name


Spot Id

Geopath Spot ID


Total weekly pedestrian and vehicular impressions 5+ for 2023


Total weekly pedestrian and vehicular impressions 5+ for 2024

Percent Change 2023 vs 2024

Percent change between 2023 forecast and the 2024 forecast

Prod Name

Forecast Name

Plant Spot Id

Operator Unit ID for the spot

Total Impressions

Total weekly pedestrian and vehicular impressions 5+

Total Circulations

Total weekly pedestrian and vehicular circulation 5+


Speed of travel on a vehicular roadway


Occupancy, number of persons in a car

Publisher Unique Id

Operator internal ID

Operator Name

Name of the media operator

Operator Division Name

Name of the operator's account

Operator Code

Operator's Account ID

Construction Type Name

The type of structure the frame is on, see Construction Type Name Table for more information

Frame Media Name

Operator's media name

Primary Artery

Primary street name provided by operator

Dma Name

The DMA name for where the frame is located

Cbsa Name

The CBSA name for where the frame is located

County Name

The County name for where the frame is located

Zip Code Name

The Zip Code name for where the frame is located

Area Type Name

Area Type name, for more information go to the area type name table (also known as the Place Type)

Status Type Name

Current Status of the Frame, see the table named Geopath Status Dictionary for more information

Section 3: Pivot Tables

There are four pivot tables in this section which include the following:

  • Market Benchmark: Average Speed and Occupancy - contains the weighted average for speed and occupancy for the DMA and Frame Media Name against of the 2023 and 2024 forecasts for all of Geopath’s audited inventory

  • Market Benchmark: Weekly Impressions and Circulations - contains the average weekly impressions 5+ and circulation 5+ for the DMA and Frame Media Name against of the 2023 and 2024 forecasts for all of Geopath’s audited inventory

  • Operator Market Average: Speed and Occupancy - contains the average for speed and occupancy for DMA, Operator Division (account), and Frame Media Name against of the 2023 and 2024 forecasts for the media operators own inventory

  • Operator Market Average: Weekly Impressions and Circulations - contains the average weekly impressions 5+ and circulation 5+ for the DMA, Operator Division (account), and Frame Media Name against of the 2023 and 2024 forecasts for the media operators own inventory

Supplementary Tables

The tables below are meant to provide some helpful definitions for reference as you review the following columns:

  • Media Type Name

  • Illumination Type Name

  • Construction Type Name

  • Area Type Name

  • Status Type Name

Media Type Name

Media Type Description

Media Type Name

Media Type Description


Very large, non-standard products placed directly on building surfaces or attached to walls


Extra large-sized standard products (approx. 10-20' H x 36-60' W)


Large-sized products (approx. 10-12' H x 22-25' W)

Junior Poster

Moderate-sized products (approx. 5-6' H x 11-13' W)


Small-sized products (approx. 35"H x 63" W - 5-6' H x 11-13' W)


Smallest-sized products (approx. less than 35"H x less than 63" W)

Illumination Type Name

Illumination Type Description

Illumination Type Name

Illumination Type Description

Sunlit Ambient

Surface illuminated by ambient natural sunlight


Surface illuminated from the front by non-ambient source


Surface illuminated from the back by non-ambient source

Artificial Ambient

Surface illuminated by ambient artificial light source

Construction Type Name

Construction Type Description

Construction Type Name

Construction Type Description


Freestanding structure taller than 10 feet tall

Exterior Wall

The wall of a standing building


Freestanding structure less than 10 feet tall

Area Type Name

Area Type Description

Area Type Name

Area Type Description

Central Business District

The main business and commercial area of a town or city.

Urban Business

Roadside environment is an urban business area


Roadside environment is an urban area


Roadside environment is a suburban area


Roadside environment is a rural area

Status Type Name

Status Type Description

Status Type Name

Status Type Description

Published - Preliminary

Measures created via automated process; inventory and measures available to licensed users; still requires a manual audit

Published - Appealed

Asset attributes audited, given valid assignments, and is awaiting review by Operator

Published - Suppressed

Measures created, but under review; inventory available to licensed users, but measures are suppressed

Published - Under Review

Measures created, but under review; inventory and measures available to licensed users

Published - Measured

Measures created; inventory and measures available to licensed users

Published - Unmeasured

Measures do not exist; inventory available to licensed users

Unpublished - Measured

Measures created; inventory and measures suppressed for licensed users, but available for review by operator

Audited - Level 1

Asset attributes audited, given valid assignments, and can be measured

Methodology Section

In order to calculate from the raw Teralytics counts to the Geopath’s circulation count use the following formulas:


  1. Daily Teralytics Pedestrian Count * 7 * ped factor = Weekly Pedestrian Volume

  2. Weekly Pedestrian Volume * Percent Viewable * placement adjustment factor = Weekly Pedestrian Circulation

This will give you the full circulation number however we have yet to adjust for illumination. Note that there is no way for you determine the circulation adjusted however we are doing the following:

  1. By removing the unilluminated hours from Weekly Pedestrian Circulation you get the Weekly Pedestrian Circulation Adjusted



  1. Daily Teralytics Vehicular Count (AADT) * 7 * veh factor = Weekly Vehicular Volume

  2. Weekly Vehicular Volume * occupancy = Weekly Vehicular Circulation

This will give you the full circulation number however we have yet to adjust for illumination. Note that there is no way for you determine the circulation adjusted however we are doing the following:

  1. By removing the unilluminated hours from Weekly Vehicular Circulation you get the Weekly Vehicular Circulation Adjusted