Geopath Streetlytics Data Specification
Data Item: Volume and Speeds
Format: CSV
Structure: Delivered as a set of 88 CSV files segmented by region (22) and day type (4). Each file will include a header row. Any supplemental data or data patch will be delivered in the same naming convention with a suffix to indicate the specific patch or supplement. For each street segment, 288 records segmented by day type (4), hour (24) and motivation (3) will be provided.
Coverage: The data item will cover the Continental United States plus Hawaii and Puerto Rico except Alaska
Description: Volume and speed represent averages for the specified time period are provided on every directional street segment nationwide with a speed limit of 25 MPH or greater and all pedestrian permitted segments.
The confidence value should always be between 0 and 1.
The segment pedestrian volume should always be populated with one of the following:
A positive value represents the pedestrian volume on the roadway segment during the day type, hour and motivation.
A value of 0 represents no pedestrian traffic during the day type, hour, motivation.
A value of -1 represents that no pedestrian traffic is allowed on that road segment
Attributes and Description:
Attribute: | Description | Number |
SEGMENT | Roadway Segment ID | ~77,177,996 |
DAYTYPE | Aggregated Days in Season (WD,FR,SA,SU) | 4 |
HOUR | Aggregated Hour of the Day Type (H00 - H23) | 24 |
MOTIVATION | Trip Motivation (Commute, Education, Other) | 3 |
SPD | Average Hourly Speed on the Roadway Segment for the declared Day Type and Hour | 1 |
VEHVOL | Average Hourly Volume on the Roadway Segment for the declared Day Type, Hour and Motivation combination (Formerly Labeled VOL) | 1 |
OCC | Average Vehicle Occupancy for the declared Day Type, Hour and Motivation combination | 1 |
CONF | Score of the confidence in the Volume given local ground-truth data | 1 |
PEDVOL | Average Hourly Ped Volume on the facility for the declared Day Type, Hour and Motivation combination. Data will include zero values for time periods where there is no pedestrian traffic. If the facility does not permit pedestrians a -1 value will be used. | 1 |
Home Locations
Format: CSV
Structure: Delivered as a set of 440 CSV files segmented by region (22), day type (4) and day part (5). A header row is not included. Any supplemental data or data patch will be delivered in the same naming convention with a suffix to indicate the specific patch or supplement.
The sum of home percentages PCTHOMES for each super link, day type (4), day part (5) combination will be 1 where mode is vehicle and vehicle travel is permitted.
The sum of home percentages PCTHOMES for each super link, day type (4), day part (5) combination will be 1 where mode is pedestrian and pedestrian travel is permitted.
Coverage: The data item will cover the Continental United States plus Hawaii and Puerto Rico except Alaska
Description: The super link segment Audience Home Locations by Block Group by day type (4) and day part (5). A super link is defined as a set of road segments with similar audience home locations.
Attributes and Description:
Attributes: | Description | Number |
SUPERLINK | Super Link Segment ID | ~3,000,000 |
BLOCKGROUP | 2010 Census Block Group ID | Varies |
DAYTYPE | Aggregated Days in Season (WD,FR,SA,SU) | 4 |
DAYPART | Aggregated Hours of the Day Type | 5 |
MODE | Mode of Travel: Vehicular or Pedestrian (Formerly Labeled Assignment) | 2 |
PCTHOMES | Percent of Home Locations within the Block Group | 1 |
Basic National Network
Summary: Routable geographic nationwide street network. Nationwide is defined as the Continental United States plus Hawaii and Puerto Rico. This dataset does not include Alaska. This delivery will be comprised of the representative Q1 roadway network of the current year. (example: provided on June 30, 2020 will be a network representing Q1 of 2020.)
Format: GDB
Attributes and Description:
Attributes: | Description | Number |
SEGMENT | HERE LINK_ID with DIRECTION and Region Appended (NNNNNNN_DD_RR) | ~77,177,996 |
SEGMENT_R | Reverse Segment Identifier (NNNNNNN_DD_RR, -1 if the reverse direction does not exist) | 1 |
SUPERLINK | Super Link ID | 1 |
GEOM | Polyline Geometry | 1 |
A | Unique ID at the beginning node of a street segment (Referenced in Path-Trip dataset) | 1 |
B | Unique ID at the end node of a street segment (Referenced in Path-Trip dataset) | 1 |
FUNC_CLASS | Road Functional Class (1-5) | 1 |
ATYPE | Area Type classifies the links within a block group based on the demographics of the block group. (0-5) 0: Regional Core 1: Central Business District 2: Urban Business 3: Urban 4: Suburban 5: Rural | 1 |
AR_AUTO | Identifies if Automobiles are allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
AR_BUS | Identifies if Busses are allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
AR_CARPOOL | Identifies if Carpools are allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
AR_PEDEST | Identifies if Pedestrians are allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
AR_TAXIS | Identifies if Taxis are allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
AR_TRAFF | Identifies if Through Traffic is allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
AR_TRUCKS | Identifies if Trucks are allowed on a segment (0,1) | 1 |
LOW_MBLTY | Low Mobility Segment (1-3) 1: Driving Condition is Low Mobility 2: Driving Condition is Not Low Mobility 3: Driving Condition is Unknown Mobility | 1 |
ST_NAME | Street Name | 1 |
DIRECTION | Direction of Travel (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW) | 1 |
REGION | Region Number (1-22 and 50 which is used for inter-regional paths only) | 1 |
LANES | Number of Lanes in the Travel Direction) | 1 |
COUNT | Published Average Annual Daily Traffic in the Travel Direction as available | 1 |
CNT_SOURCE | Source of traffic count as available in Bentley dataset | 1 |
CNT_YEAR | Year that COUNT was collected by the CNT_SOURCE as available in Bentley dataset | 1 |
Summary: Network Movements that are prohibited (i.e. prohibited left-turns). This dataset is associated with the companion Network dataset.
Format: CSV
Attributes and Description:
Attributes: | Description | Number |
LINK_ID | From HERE LINK_ID | ~600,000 |
… | To HERE LINK_ID | 1 |
Block Group ID Correspondence
Summary: Correspondence between the 2010 Census Block Group ID and the Transportation Analysis Zone ID
Format: CSV
Attributes and Description:
Attributes: | Description | Number |
BLOCKGROUP | 2010 Census Block Group ID used for Home Location product | ~220,000 |
TAZID | Transportation Analysis Zone ID used for Path-Trip product | 1 |