Geopath Teralytics 'StreetLytics'

Geopath Teralytics 'StreetLytics'

Geopath leverages Teralytics ‘Streetlytics’ information to obtain comprehensive traffic patterns, person-level circulation, and demographic coverage of audiences that traverse geographic paths on US-based roadways. Effecitvely, Streetlytics insights on populations that travel along roadways solves challenges with logical person/passenger traversal of geographies when applied to the HERE Maps road network. More information on this data can be found at https://www.bentley.com/software/streetlytics/

Mobile device and connected car information is aggregated to determine the origins and destinations of specific audiences, which is then enriched with MotionWorks data (by Geopath) to create a comprehensive ‘trip matrix’ of unidirectional trips along roadways, each with information about the audience (and its home geography) from each point of origin, adjusted by season based on the most recent data from mobile devices observed in the real world.


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