Version 2.1 Release Notes

Version 2.1 Release Notes

v2.1 2023-01-25

Change Summary

  • Summarizing placed based media at DMA or global scope returns null reach and frequency

When performing an inventory summary operation via the /inventory/search/summary API endpoint for Place-Based OOH/DOOH inventory with a target geography set to DMA wide or Global scope returned reach and frequency were null. This has been corrected.

v2.1 2022-08-29

Bug Fixes

  • Aggregate Reach for Packages & Groups of Spots Calculated Incorrectly in Specific Scenarios

    GPAPI-524 Reach Aggregate Calculation Error

    Aggregate reach was reported incorrectly in scenarios where an unusually large number of impressions are generated by out-of-market traffic in proportion to impressions by people domiciled in the target market. This could cause an aggregate reach to be returned that was less than the reach of the highest spot in the aggregated group.  This has been corrected to ensure in all scenarios aggregated reach for groups of roadside spots are consistent with the reach of individual spots in the group.

  • v2.1 Schema update to maintain internal compatibility between v2.1 and v2.2 API Code

    GPAPI-526 Add place based data fields for v2.2 compatibility

    Three place-based data fields were added to the v2.1 database schema to maintain compatibility with the v2.2 API source code. This change only affected Geopath internal code and processes.

v2.1 2022-08-05

Bug Fixes

  • Reach and Frequency returned incorrect values at venues with multiple identical inventory records

GPAPI-491: v2.1 Low Reach High FrequencyDone
Previously, users were observing unusually large frequency measures and unusually low reach measures when accessing aggregate measures via the /inventory/search/summary and the /inventory/plans API endpoints for Place-Based OOH/DOOH inventory installed at venues with multiple identical inventory records. Geopath has updated this API endpoint to return the correct values. 

  • Reach and Frequency returned null or zero values when using a specific API endpoint

GPAPI-493: Custom Calc not reporting same R/F as Search in v2.1Done
Previously, the API v2.1 /inventory/measures/summary endpoint would incorrectly return null values for the freq_avg, eff_freq_avg, eff_reach_net and eff_reach_pct fields as well as zero values for the reach_pct and reach_net fields. Geopath has updated this API endpoint to return the correct values.

v2.1 2021-12-09

Bug Fixes

  • The Market Plan endpoint is accepting null fields in a request as opposed to ignoring them, resulting in issues with the response given. 

v2.1 2021-10-28

Bug Fixes

v2.1 2021-10-14

  • This release was cancelled. Fixes moved to 2021-10-30

v2.1 2021-09-16

New Features

Bug Fixes

Associated Non API Changes

v2.1 2021-09-02

New Features

Bug Fixes

Associated Non API Changes


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