New Items
Market Plan is currently available in the Workspace Module.
Workflow example from Market Plan, to Explore, to Inventory Plan
The Workflow example submits a goal of 50 TRPs in Chicago using full wraps
As a result, we are able to build a package of full wraps with spot IDs
Action Items
Review transit systems for approval from staging into production (Task Force)
The production cutoff and release schedule is posted. Inventory into production will follow this schedule (Geopath)
Has anyone in the Transit Task Force had the chance to test workflows in Staging? Please provide feedback in the User Workflows. We would like everyone to partake in testing workflows.
Transit Task Force, please create your own packages using your inventory to approve the measures you see in Staging (Task Force)
The sample packages sheet can be used as one potential process in creating packages
Provide additional example of Fleet Impressions Changes for placement type (Geopath)
test test