The construction is where the frame is supported. For example, for traditional bulletins, the steel pole is what is being referred to as the construction. This construction supports the frame or frames that reside on the steel pole.
All inventory submitted to Geopath must clearly state the construction name. The construction name can be an ID, text, or a combination of the two. The purpose of the construction name is to understand the total number of unique constructions in the out-of-home world. This will enable us to answer how many constructions (structures) exist as well as how many frames each of these constructions supports. Each construction should also indicate when the construction was built. The construction date will be provided by the media operator. This information will help us have a repository of construction dates and the historical context of when the constructions were built.
Use cases:
A media operator has a construction where they have two frames on a steel pole. In this case two bulletins. Both of these frames will have the same construction name. The construction name is provided by the media operator and for example, can have an ID of 234968. Both frames on this construction will have construction name 234968. The construction type for this kind of build is called freestanding.
Many bulletin constructions support two frames. For example, the image below illustrates a situation where there are two frames on one steel pole. These two frames will have the same construction name because they are supported by the same construction. Similarly, the triple-sided construction with three frames will have the same construction name because they are supported by the same construction.
Other media types also have this same relation relationship with the construction and the frame(s). A media operator has three frames on a single construction. In this case on a transit shelter. The construction is the physical shelter. The construction name is provided by the media operator and for example, can have an ID of 369748. All three frames on this construction will have construction name 369748. There Note that there are two frames on the inside of the transit shelter while the other is on the outside of the transit shelter. The construction type for this kind of build is called furniture.
For exterior fleet, the construction name is based on the bus model type. For example, a single bus garage might have three different bus models. Those bus models will represent three different construction names. All frames on the construction in this the bus model will share that same construction name.
Construction Types
Geopath has various standard construction types to help describe how the frame is being supported.
Construction Type Name | Construction Type Description |
Freestanding | freestanding structure taller than 10 feet tall |
Exterior Wall | the wall of a standing building |
Interior Wall | the wall inside of a building |
Furniture | freestanding structure less than 10 feet tall |
Stairs | a series of steps |
Rooftop | the surface atop a building |
Ceiling | hangs from or is flush with the area above |
Floor | the flat surface where people may walk |
Tablet | may be maybe held by a single individual |
Interior Vehicle | the interior surfaces of a vehicle |
Exterior Vehicle | the exterior surfaces of a vehicle |
Column | a column inside of a building |
Elevator | the interior of an elevator inside a building |
Furniture - Top | the top of a freestanding structure within view of someone passing by |
Bus Exterior | Bus Exterior |
Truck Exterior | Truck Exterior |
Personal Motorized Vehicle Exterior | Personal Motorized Vehicle Exterior |
Here are a few visual examples of construction types.
Additional Requirements:
Construction date indicates when the construction was built. The construction date will be provided by media operator. This information can help us better understand the number of new constructions and their dates as well as the historical context of when locations were built.
To understand the total number of unique constructions in the out of home world. This will enable us to answer how many constructions (structures) exist as well as how many frames each of these constructions support. This information can be useful for both buyers and sellers.